To be considered for this award, a nominee must be a full-time student at UNCW, be in good academic standing, studied, interned or volunteered abroad, or involved with an on-campus international program. Applicants must have made significant contributions toward implementing UNCW’s strategic goal: Promote a diverse and inclusive culture and a global mindset throughout the university. Some of the questions you may want to ask yourself, but are not limited to, any of the following:
• How have you developed your global footprint?
• How are you recruiting other students to study abroad?
• Have you served as a mentor for international students?
• Engaged in any global research
• Been a conversation partner with ESL students?
• Taken classes that have made you develop a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of our world?
• How have these experiences prepared you to graduate as a global citizen?
You must also submit the following materials:
• One letter of recommendation from a UNCW professor or staff member. (This is a form with specific questions, not a personal letter from recommender)
• Official or unofficial transcript, or degree-audit, Grades & GPA must be included.
• One visual art or performance piece that addresses the topic of “How UNCW has prepared me to become a Global Citizen." Any medium is acceptable, but creativity will be higher weighted. (i.e., painting, poem with visual component, short film, play, video, PPT with pictures, song, etc., accompanied by a brief description.) Make sure you upload the document, picture/s, or your project into our Education Abroad portal with no more than 250 words describing your project and how it relates to the topic.
Recipients of the Global Citizen Student Award will receive $750, credited to the student’s account. A hand blown glass art Award and recognition at a reception during the Cornerstone Student Awards Banquet in April.
*You must upload everything into our system for your Global Citizen Student Award application/submission to be considered.